Land of the Dead
欧美 标签: Land of the Dead, Summoning 2009年12月27日 星期日GTP格式吉他谱下载: | 图片(IMG)格式吉他谱: |
歌曲信息 |
Where forest stream went through the wood 在一片葱郁静谧的森林里,小溪缓缓的流淌 And silent all the stens there stood Of tall trees, moveless, hanging dark 高大的树木矗立着,悄无声息,笼罩在黑暗之中 With mottled shadows on their bark 斑驳的阴影迭迭幢幢,不经意的洒落在枯裂的树皮上 As faint as deepest sleeper’s breath 衰弱无力,像冬眠动物般的呼吸 An echo came as cold as death 那是远方传来的死寂之音 Long are the paths, of shadow made 一条曲折的小路,被大片的树荫遮盖着 Where no foot’s print is ever laid 那是一条绝望的不归路 (Refrain) No moon is there, no voice, no sound Of beating heart; 月亮躲进了云层,没有言语,没有了生命的气息 a sigh profound 一声悠远的叹息荡漾开来 Once in each age as each age dies 看着帝国的兴衰与成败 Alone is heard. Far, far it lies 唯有沉寂是永恒 The Land of Waiting where the Dead sit, 亡灵默然等待的,是那执著守候的地方 In their thought’s shadow, by no moon lit 是那没有月光的暗影 (Choir ) Upon the plain, there rushed forth and high 翻过平原,一片广阔但却崎岖的大地 Shadows at the end of night and mirrored in the sky 夜的尽头,厚重的暗幕匆忙褪去,风起云涌 Far far away beyond might of day 在那遥远的地方,在那个荣耀世界的背后 And there lay the land of the dead of mortal cold decay 有一个死亡之域,一片凋零,颓败的极乐冻土 |